Posted by Daniel in Christian Ministry Articles (Reposted): For most people in this world’s workforce, moving up and moving on is the big dream. It’s all about the next promotion, the big break, the upward advancement, and the management position. There is nothing necessarily wrong with trying to advance one’s career or seek improvement in [...]
We are still working on a desire to host a live call-in radio talk time or link to the same; as part of a help with church edification. There is a plan for various formats. To accomplish this desire, some of the options are creating our own that is more sensitive to the region in terms of timing and issues, getting time [...]
The October 31st holiday that we today know as Halloween has strong roots in paganism and is closely connected with worship of the Enemy of this world, Satan. It is a holiday that generally glorifies the dark things of this world, rather than the light of Jesus Christ, The Truth. Have you noticed how costumes [...]
Below is an article on Christian unity, which is certainly thought provoking; even if we don’t agree with some of the assumptions made by the author. Certainly if we govern ourselves by the scriptures, the world would more clearly know that God sent His son and further the church’s mission: Christian Unity (Ephesians 4:1-16) Study By: [...]
Posted: Tuesday, October 9, 2012, 8:44 (BST) AP The US is the biggest missionary sending country, but one mission leader says Christians don’t need a passport to reach the unreached. The latest edition of The Mission Society’s “Unfinished” magazine identifies the US as one of the fastest-growing mission fields in the world. For [...]
(DN) Jackson, Miss. – You may have heard about the church incident, where the First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs refused to allow a minority couple to marry in its sanctuary. Recently the predominantly Caucasian Mississippi church has apologized for its refusal to allow the couple to marry in its church building. However, it is [...]