Daegu English Churches News – International Update – Africa
Update Nigeria: Native Missionaries Rescued; Another Mission Base Under Attack
By Rae Burnett, Africa Director for Christian Aid Mission
Just as word came that native missionaries under siege last week had escaped from [extremist] terrorist murderers, gospel workers from another mission field called in to report that they are now under attack:
Dear Rae,
Click here to help enable a Nigerian missionary ministry to move out of danger. |
Just as I am writing this evening, a whole village in southern Kaduna is fighting. We have five missionaries there now whose work among local unreached [local] tribes has been very successful. They are helping to comfort and shelter unprepared villagers who fled in terror as heavily armed [local] militants invaded without warning. No police or soldiers have come, and it is doubtful they will.
Please pray that our base there is not destroyed tonight. Pray that our missionaries will be safe. We have no money again to temporally move staff. Christian Aid sent out a prayer alert for our workers who were trapped after more than 400 people were killed last week near this same area when [extremist] bombed three churches. Thank God they finally escaped from the danger zone.
The [religious] terrorist group Boko Haram has demanded that Sharia law be established in Nigeria. Fanatics have murdered more than 3,000 men, women and children since mid-2009. [Thousands] more have been maimed and wounded. Attacks have become increasingly bold and more frequent, often two or three per week. Until recently, the primary targets were schools and police stations in [extremist’s] areas, but now Christians are under siege. The location of an indigenous missionary ministry in Nigeria that Christian Aid has supported since 1986 is well-known to all. In spite of its location in an Islamic state, it has never been in danger of violence until the past few months when aggressive terrorist attacks have become bolder. With this new threat to focus on Christians, the need to relocate ministry headquarters has become critical. |
They are planning to return soon when things are calmer. To me they are now like refugees in our own hands. We need your prayers for eight households, most of whom have children, their converts, and for our Nigeria It was not easy financially to bring these ones out. Now we need places to house and feed them.
When the killing began in the main city, [extremist] in the small town started intimidating our people. They told them to leave or be blamed for the killing because we are making their people Christians. The village chief has welcomed and accepted our people, but he was afraid of the militants, so we temporarily retreated the missionaries. Many people died near them, and they admit that they were afraid.
There is still much good news. All our [local]converts on whose account we are being asked to leave are secure and protected now in our discipleship center. The chief wants us back when he knows it is safe.
The work has been so successful, beyond what we could ever have imagined, but that has given us such huge challenges.
The discipleship center for [local] converts needs mosquito nets, school supplies for the children, and medical supplies. We are caring for many wounded in this war. We are committed to reaching the militants, and some few have left and joined us. We are discipling and protecting them in secret.
I am very sorry to keep disturbing you with crisis after crisis. It is that we value your prayers so much, and you always ask me to update you.
I know you will keep sharing this passion with others. We are so grateful for the many years of loving prayer and financial support from Christian Aid. We are just reeling with unbelief at the horrors our country is experiencing at the hands of these terrorist murderers. We know our Lord will use it all for good.
Pray for the peace of these areas and our country.
Signed, missionary leader, Nigeria
All of these native missionaries are [well-known] to me. I am praying that God’s people will be moved to help this ministry generously in this time of desperate need.
To give via credit card to enable this Nigerian missionary ministry to move out of the danger zone call 800-977-5650 or click here to contribute online.
Please contact me at rae@christianaid.org if you have any questions or comments about this indigenous missionary ministry.
Blessings in Him, |
Related StoriesURGENT: Native Nigerian Missionaries and Converts Trapped and Under Siege From Terrorists (June 19, 2012) Native Missionary Ministry in Danger Zone as Nigeria’s Boko Haram Calls for “WAR” on Christians (March. 06, 2012) Nigeria: Father Murdered by Boko Haram Terrorists, Christian Boy Escapes Enslavement, Needs Our Help (Jan. 26, 2012) Nigeria Terrorism Update: Bloodiest Boko Haram Attacks Yet (Jan. 25, 2012) Nigeria: Believers Gunned Down “while their eyes were closed in prayer” (Jan. 18, 2012) Christians Slaughtered in Murderous Attack (Nov. 23, 2011) More Violence in Nigeria: Fulani Muslims Slaughter Hundreds, Mostly Women and Children (Mar. 9, 2010) Latest Update on the Violence in Jos, Nigeria (Feb. 4, 2010) A Cry For Help From Our Brothers In Jos, Nigeria (Jan. 29, 2010) Bloodshed in Nigeria! (Jan. 26, 2010) Terrorism and fierce windstorm affect Christians in Nigeria (Sep. 10, 2009) Nigerian Christians murdered, left homeless by organized attack (Dec. 10, 2008) |
Edited and Reprinted from Email News to Daegu English Churches