Ministry and the Olympics
The site of the Games of the XXX Olympiad as you know is in London. The games began on 27 July 2012 and are scheduled to conclude on 12 August. During this time athletes, support staff, the media,and visitors from over 200 countries will come together for what is considered the world’s foremost sports event.
During this time many of the world’s ministries and churches also view this event as one of importance – a time to outreach to the nations of the world. It a time when ministries come together knowingly or unwittingly for one of the world’s foremost opportunities for evangelism.
During this period we will attempt to gather the reports, news and stories relating to evangelism at the London 2012 Games. There is a considerable amount of insight to be gained from such an event as it relates to evangelism in the 21st Century. We will attempt to cover it here on DEC News and DEC Press (DP) with reposting of news and stories, testimonies, and other information offering insight about evangelism during this major sporting event.
We have a special interest here in Daegu City, being that some were considering to travel to London for ministry, also knowing that one of our partners during IAAF 2011 is scheduled to be there. It is great opportunity to pray for those ministries and churches that will be prayerfully laboring for the Lord. We also realize that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (Luk. 15:10).
As some of you may remember, Daegu City had that opportunity to host the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) 2011 Championships. During this time, there were various evangelical efforts to reach the game’s 3,500 (approximate) athletes from 212 nations. During that time thousands of visitors were also expected to attend or visit in support of the international event, therefore some churches and ministries saw the time to be a time to share the ‘good news’ while being hosts to the city’s international visitors.
The main effort was organized through one local church with various churches, and pastors of Daegu English churches providing sermons with other support. One of several reports documenting the efforts (2011 대구세계육상선수권대회) will be available in the DEC Library.
It is believed that if churches prayed for one another, continue in the doctrine of the apostles, having things in common, and living on one accord; that God would assemble the world’s people at places of His choosing, to hear and see the glory of God. The church would not have to sell tickets, make any special preparations, or even organize such an event. It would need only be found in conditions that are not contrary to what it is; then being willing and obedient.
Keep and eye open for the news and stories. We want to track these stories to archive in the DEC Library in a mission/evangelism section or in the appropriate category on this site.