Knitting missionary touches hearts in London
by ASSIST News ServicePosted: Wednesday, August 8, 2012, 12:31 (BST)
For the past 30 years, Margaret Sesma’s missionary outreach has touched nearly every nation in the world.
According to, Sesma has served soldiers and the homeless, jails and orphanages. Margaret has managed to do all of this even through the age of 88, and without ever leaving her home in Los Angeles.
Blessed with a remarkable knitting ability, for nearly three decades Margaret Sesma has been crocheting yarn caps, the website says.
The site states: “The yarn is donated from friends and family and accompanies outreach teams as they travel the world. Time and time again they have proven to be a special touch point in evangelism. Time and time again they have shown the special ways we can each be used to serve and love others.”
It adds: “These hats bring comfort from cold weather to the needy and poor, the homeless and orphaned. Missionaries appreciate the touch of warmth Margaret provides year after year, whether they wear the hats themselves or gift them to the cold and disadvantaged. One box of hats was sent to a marine captain stationed in Iraq. They were distributed to Iraqi soldiers, and soon their bright colors and shapes were being worn by workers in the former palace of Saddam Hussein.”
Yolanda Olson, Margaret’s daughter, is currently using her mother’s hats during her outreach with Forever 2012, the site says.
“Here in London, they open and make way for conversations to reach families for God,” Yolanda said.
Even strangers on the Tube (London Underground railway system) can be warmed with a gift of hats. “I gave some to a Filipino grandmother for her grandkids . she was very grateful.”
From her home in East Los Angeles, Margaret Sesma is able to touch people all over the world. Though they may never know her name, those who have been given her hats are touched by the grace of God all the same.
The site concludes: “Each of us can be involved in missionary work, no matter our individual situations and no matter where we are from. Sometimes we find security in the false story that we’ve done all that we can do.
“We may believe that because we weren’t called to travel the nations we were not called to be missionaries. But whether it’s in the forests of the Amazon or the house across your street, God still calls each of us to have an eternal impact.
“As Margaret Sesma has shown us, God can use us even from our armchairs at home.”