Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Opens Online School
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Opens Online School to ‘Revive Gospel Teaching’
By Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter
September 27, 2012|5:01 pm
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) has recently launched a new online evangelism school aimed both at pastors seeking to spread the Gospel and ordinary Christians looking to grow stronger in their faith.
“Our focus is evangelism. Sharing the Gospel, preaching the Gospel, and that is what this school of evangelism is all about,” said Gary Cobb, Director of Training for BGEA, in a radio interview shared with The Christian Post.
The school will offer a 12-part training course and draw from more than 60 years of evangelic outreach to communicated the most effective ways of reaching the world with the Gospel, the school says.
Cobb said that besides making taking classes more convenient for people, the cost will also be lower and offer an even better value.
“Sometimes, pastors couldn’t afford to come,” Cobb said. “But the cost of our online schools is $99 dollars for those six months, and so that includes everything they will need. They have the reading assignments online in a PDF file, so they don’t have to buy the books or anything like that, so that’s a tremendous value.”
The main course will be separated into four main sections, which will individually focus on: Preparation, Proclamation, Power, and Preservation. Sermon messages from several big-name evangelicals will be taught, including Billy, Franklin and Will Graham, and other Christian leaders such as John Stott, Ravi Zacharias, Ron Hutchcraft and Greg Laurie.
“The first course is really designed for the person that is going to be a minister – someone who’s going to communicate the Gospel, be a missionary, someone like that. But we will also be coming out with other courses that will just be for the normal Christian to help them and their evangelism with their family and their friends,” Cobbs explained. “We’d love to see a revival of Gospel preaching around the World.”
Vice President of BGEA Will Graham, who oversees online training, has also praised the foundations that built up the new online school, which can be visited at
“God has blessed the BGEA through the decades, and given us the opportunity to proclaim His love, forgiveness and hope to multiple generations,” Graham said in a statement. “As we’ve focused on this one singular mission, we’ve developed a wealth of information and practices that we are excited to offer to others who desire to make an impact in their community.”