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Codex Sinaticus
You can access the oldest known Christian bible in existence (Codex Sinaticus); which is the Christian bible written in the Greek language. The Codex Sinaticus was written on parchment approximately 1600 years ago. The whole New Testament and part of the Old Testament has survived and accessible online. The availability offers invaluable opportunities and a great tool in the area of biblical scholarship. See the link below for access and more information:
Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English bible study, Daegu English bible studies, English worship services Daegu, Daegu English speaking services, Daegu English service, Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English bible study, Daegu English bible studies, English worship services Daegu, Daegu English speaking services, Daegu English service, Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services,