On this page you will find short profiles of various ministries around the city of Daegu, ministries that have attended prayer breakfasts,and those ministries that have worked or continue to labor with one or more of the Daegu English churches.
The profiles will be posted periodically, giving spotlight to a different ministry during the period; to promote awareness of the their existence, their work, and their importance to the body of Christ.
To date, profiles were posted on this site or our facebook page of the following ministries:
- Navigators
- Operation Mobilization (OM)
- Campus Mission International (CMI)
- World Christian Center (IAAF focused base camp and worship center)
- Mission International (MI)
You can find earlier profiles by clicking on the link for the desired church or mission organization, locate under the category ‘ministry profiles’, perform a site search on this site, perform a search on our sister site (daeguenglishchurches.org) or see our face book page.
If we can be of any assistance in this subject area, please contact us through the convenient form below:
Daegu English worship services, Daegu English Chu, Daegu English Chur, Daegu English Churc, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English bible study, Daegu English bible studies, English worship services Daegu English worship services, Daegu English Chu, Daegu English Chur, Daegu English Churc, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English bible study, Daegu English bible studies, English worship