DEC Prayer Breakfast

5월28일 대구영어예배연합조찬기도회 0015월28일 대구영어예배연합조찬기도회 0055월28일 대구영어예배연합조찬기도회 0025월28일 대구영어예배연합조찬기도회 0035월28일 대구영어예배연합조찬기도회 0045월28일 대구영어예배연합조찬기도회 0065월28일 대구영어예배연합조찬기도회 0075월28일 대구영어예배연합조찬기도회 008Daegu English ChurchTemplate for Breakfast RT 610 X 265Daegu English Churches Prayer Breakfast 12085033_Buffet


 After nearly a decade of labor and prayer at the leading of the spirit of God, 14 churches and mission groups assembled together; for a time of prayer, fellowship, and the breaking of bread. The attendees represented the majority of Daegu City’s English churches, services, and related mission organizations.

 The prayer breakfast centered around the theme: “The Necessity and Benefit of Unity”. A homily entitled: “Unity (Oneness), a Condition Found in God” was delivered by Pastor Ken. The homily’s key verses came from Psalm 133:1-3; with supporting references from 1 Corinthians 3:3, 12:22; Romans 8:6-7; Matthew 12:25; Acts 2:1. The focus of the message was that God calls for oneness in the body, as He is one with the Godhead. This condition along with love are essential to true Christian witness before the world and crucial to the church’s mission. The speaker pointed to undisputable scripture throughout the bible, from Genesis to passages in the New Testament. Each element of the program was led by pastors/leaders in attendance, with the master of ceremony being Pastor Randy of Abundant Life Ministry.

At the first prayer breakfast (May 28, 2011), enough of the pastors and leaders  communicated that the time and experience was prayed for, welcomed, and therefore rendered thanks to God for His grace in the opportunity.

Christian leaders had opportunity to introduce themselves and ministry to other attendees. The leaders took time to pray for each other and sung praises together; before enjoying fellowship over a hosted buffet breakfast consisting of eggs, salmon, sausages, bacon, meats, salads, cereals, pancakes, breads, rolls, juices, and many other breakfast delights.

Since the  breakfast  some of the ministers have collaborated in the work of ministry with other churches and mission organizations. Some you can see on the DEC web site. A group of ministers from the gathering took part in supporting the World Christian Center; which was established as church and base camp for evangelical efforts during the International Association of Athletics Association Federation’s (IAAF) Championships in Daegu. Approximately 212 countries participated in the event. There have been numerous ministry collaborations since that time.

The prayer breakfast and the prior labor were inspired by a vision cast forth from the Lord’s prayer in John, Chapter 17 (17:21).  The breakfast came forth as a means or a venue to physically express maturity in Christ as leaders come together and pray for each other, break bread together, meet and learn more of one another; having communion (κοινωνία); then laboring in ministry with one another as the spirit of God desires. All to walk towards and achieve the end (in our time) - “that the world may know that [God sent His Son]“.  Fellowship in love is a condition that God uses to glorifies Himself to the world according to His will. We look forward to the increase in the church, and having favor with God and man.


The next breakfast (January 28, 2012)  was held at the Daegu Faith International Church, hosted by Pastor Jerry. At this breakfast, the event evolved to a working-breakfast meeting as foreseen. The attendees spoke more about ministry weaknesses and how they could work together.


Some leaders would like the prayer breakfasts to be held on a quarterly basis. As it has developed each pastor or mission group leader has opportunity to host a breakfast at a facility of choice. An agenda is put forth from one meeting to the next for continuity, including unfinished ministry discussions, new discussions,  prayer, breakfast and fellowship. The hosting pastor should lead the meeting and has an option to use a short period of time for a matter of his choosing for the benefit of visiting brethren. It was suggested that a facility tour or ministry overview be given to promote more understanding of the hosting ministry.


Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English bible study, Daegu English bible studies, English worship services Daegu, Daegu English speaking services, Daegu English service, Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English bible study, Daegu English bible studies, English worship services Daegu, Daegu English speaking services, Daegu English service, Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services

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