Welcome – Daegu English Churches
Welcome to an online community of Daegu English Churches. It is our hope that you can recognize the love of God as churches, services, ministries, missions, and especially their pastors and leaders; continue to pray for one another, fellowship with one another, serve one another, and work with one another in the Lord’s work. This is the will of God, as prayed for in the Lord’s prayer to the Father; in John Chapter 17, verse 23 and supported by the context of the chapter and too many other bible texts.
It is a hope and intent that you would feel that this virtual (spiritual) community is here for you and to serve you; even by the envisioned content, the opportunity for you to contribute, and the opportunity for your voice to be heard. It is not an exclusive community, but just defines some of who we are, where we are, and a portion of universal work that we find ourselves undertaking at the time – in Daegu and it surrounding areas.
Therefore we also hope that over time you will find many useful tools on this community site and other related sites; to support your personal worship needs or ministry needs locally, ‘glocally’, and abroad.
On this DEC site, in time you will find:
- Directory of English churches, services, missions, and other common ministry entities (continued from our previous DEC site)
- Directory of English churches outside of the Daegu vicinity
- Ministry and mission group profiles – reaching international people, here and abroad.
- News
- Resources
- DEC Prayer Breakfast
- Encouragement
- Church communication
Please feel free to browse, inquire, participate, pray and join a work; that contributes to the perfection of saints, the work of ministry, and edification of the body of Christ.