Christian life worth more than 10 seconds of glory – bishop



Posted: Wednesday, August 8, 2012, 12:12 (BST)

 Over 200 young people gathered near the Olympic Park were encouraged to live for a higher glory.

Bishop Thomas McMahon of Brentwood and Bishop Richard Moth of the Forces were there to celebrate with the youngsters at St Francis of Assisi Catholic church in Stratford.

Bishop Moth spoke of the power of prayer, including the prayers being offered by many people for the Games.

He said prayer would have “a far greater influence on the Games than any of us can see”.

He spoke of the need to “see what is going on in silence around the Olympic Park”.

The Olympics were presenting the nation with “people striving to be their best after years of training for something that takes only a little time … for some this requires constant struggle and striving”, he noted.

He went on to compare this to the ups and downs of the Christian life.

“Lots of questions and difficulties surrounded by people who don’t always understand what we are about,” he said.

“The reward, however, is much more than 10 seconds of sporting glory but eternal life itself.”

Whilst the Olympics symbolise “the pursuit of personal and team excellence, a living and vibrant expression of the human person”, he cautioned people not to be “taken up by the razzmatazz” and instead see “an expression of the glory of God”.

Turning his attention to the Paralympic Games later in the summer, Bishop Moth said they would be a celebration not so much of sport but of “the glory of God fully alive and manifest in the human person”.

He petitioned people to “pray that the world will see not only sport, as wonderful as it is, but the glory of God” in the hope that “the Olympics will not just transform those who participate and watch but will draw all people into a close encounter with the Lord of glory who is life itself”.

Church Refuses to Marry Couple in its Sanctuary

Daegu English Churches News Banner

(DN) Jackson, Miss. – You may have heard about the church incident, where the First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs refused to allow a minority couple to marry in its sanctuary. Recently the predominantly Caucasian Mississippi church has apologized for its refusal to allow the couple to marry in its church building. However, it is said that the couple who married at another location, knew nothing of the apology until a reporter called about the same.

According to a source the First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs posted the apology on its website (off-line at the time of this report) Sunday, saying it was seeking “forgiveness and reconciliation” with Charles Wilson and Te’Andrea Henderson Wilson, their families and friends and God. “This wrong decision resulted in hurt and sadness for everyone. Both the pastor and those involved in the wedding location being changed have expressed their regrets and sorrow for their actions”.

It was also reported that the pastor (Weatherford) who officiated the ceremony at a different location on behalf of the couple; was under threat of firing; though he later denied there was a threat.

One member said, that he and the church were sorry that the incident happened and that they would like to put it behind them. It seems that some of the members were not aware of the decision until after the couple’s wedding. 

For the good and the maturation of the church tell us what you think.



Ministry and the Olympics


The site of the Games of the XXX Olympiad as you know is in London. The games began on 27 July 2012 and are scheduled to conclude on 12 August. During this time athletes, support staff, the media,and visitors from over 200 countries will come together for what is considered the world’s foremost sports event.

During this time many of the world’s ministries and churches also view this event as one of importance – a time to outreach to the nations of the world. It a time when ministries come together knowingly or unwittingly for one of the world’s foremost opportunities for evangelism.

During this period we will attempt to gather the reports, news and stories relating to evangelism at the London 2012 Games.  There is a considerable amount of insight to be gained from such an event as it relates to evangelism in the 21st Century. We will attempt to cover it here on DEC News and DEC Press (DP) with reposting of news and stories, testimonies, and other information offering insight about evangelism during this major sporting event.

We have a special interest here in Daegu City, being that some were considering to travel to London for ministry, also knowing that one of our partners during IAAF 2011 is scheduled to be there. It is great opportunity to pray for those ministries and churches that will be prayerfully laboring for the Lord. We also realize that there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (Luk. 15:10).

As some of you may remember, Daegu City had that opportunity to host the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) 2011 Championships. During this time, there were various evangelical efforts to reach the game’s 3,500 (approximate) athletes from 212 nations. During that time thousands of visitors were also expected to attend or visit in support of the international event, therefore some churches and ministries saw the time to be a time to share the ‘good news’  while being hosts to the city’s international visitors.

The main effort was organized through one local church with various churches, and pastors of Daegu English churches providing sermons with other support.  One of several reports documenting the efforts (2011 대구세계육상선수권대회) will be available in the DEC Library.

It is believed that if churches prayed for one another, continue in the doctrine of the apostles, having things in common, and living on one accord; that God would assemble the world’s people at places of His choosing, to hear and see the glory of God. The church would not have to sell tickets, make any special preparations, or even organize such an event. It would need only be found in conditions that are not contrary to what it is; then being willing and obedient.

Keep and eye open for the news and stories. We want to track these stories to archive in the DEC Library in a mission/evangelism section or in the appropriate category on this site.


When Morality Becomes a Taxing Question

Christians as much as anyone else have been conditioned into thinking of taxes and rates and revenue charges as something approaching extortion

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Daegu English Church Library – Open and Growing

As we announced last week, our Daegu English Churches (DEC) Library has opened. Not only has it opened, but materials being provided are coming in at an exciting rate. We are thankful for all contributions.

The contributed works allows the DEC Library to be a place where you can perform research; particularly research on matters that have relevance to ministry in this region directly or indirectly.  Once the “Prayer Breakfast Reader” is available, people interested in English churches in Daegu or Korea, will be able to review in more detail; the history, status, and future of Daegu English churches.

Over time you will find mainly religious literature (reference books, books,  periodicals, magazines, newsletters) theological writings, documents, letters, and sermons provided by you and other – contributors. Literature from the authors of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. All will be made available for the benefit of the body. It is our hope that a good portion of the materials found here will relate to ministry in the region.

If there is some material that you would like to see here, don’t hesitate to provide your comments. If you have something that you would like to donate, post, or share; please submit the same to: 

In the DEC library you will see some of the eBook publication divided into sections (parts). Currently there is a page limitation of 500 pages per publication. Several of the publications provided are over 1000 pages. If the item you want posted is larger, please divide it into 500 page sections or just send to:

For proper handling, mention “Library” in the subject of your email or use the convenient form near the bottom of this page.

Please make sure you have the rights to post the material for public viewing.  We will do our best to monitor the material posted, however the material may reflect a range of views in Christendom. It is our hope that when some views differ; there will be love, which promotes understanding and if possible, mature discussion can ensue that is edifying to the brethren concerned. Religious materials that don’t reflect our views, such as material related to world religions may be found here; in order to enhance research capabilities of the library in addition to giving you the tools you need to understand the world around us (‘glocally’).

In the papers (theological/religious) section, you can post your research papers for circulation for the good of the body. As you may know, our site has a wide viewing in the region and even internationally because of our publication partner. Therefore the library can not only serve as a place to edify the body of Christ today beyond the pulpits, lecterns, ’sermons on the mount’, and desert encounters; but also serve as an archive of works for future generations, with wide publication and exposure for maximum impact.

In the books (e-Books) sections, you will find our Prayer Breakfast Reader, “The History, Status, and Future of English Churches in Daegu”, and the larger book – “The History, Status, and Future of English Churches in Korea” upon completion. Most related churches in Daegu City have been invited to provide a paper about their local community, church, service, or mission organization for these emerging publications. We are currently in the process of extending that invitation to our brethren throughout the republic in order to help in the manuscript for the larger publication. If you have not received and invitation, we certainly apologize for the oversight. However, please accept this as a heart-felt invitation to participate in these emerging publications. You can download the guidance below, or request further information through the convenient form or even email us. The guidance can also be found in the ‘Papers Section’ in our library. The exposure of your (the Lord’s) church to Christendom will be good for you and good for those seeking a place to serve, or those just looking for the first time.

If you have a special sermon that you want to share with the brethren, you can do so now or at anytime. The document will be stored in the soon to open ‘Sermons Section’.

In His Service,


Daegu English Churches


DEC Publication Guidance           Resources                      Library

Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English bible study, Daegu English bible studies, English worship services Daegu, Daegu English-speaking services, Daegu English service, Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English bible study, Daegu English bible studies, English worship services Daegu, Daegu English-speaking services, Daegu English service, Daegu English church, Daegu English churches, Daegu English worship services, Daegu English worship services,


Daegu English Churches Library – Open

Our Daegu English Churches Library has opened. Over time you will find mainly religious literature (reference books, books,  periodicals, magazines, newsletters) theological writings, documents, letters, and sermons provided by you and other – contributors. Literature from the authors of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. All will be made available for the benefit of the body. It is our hope that a good portion of the materials found here will relate to ministry in the region.

If there is some material that you would like to see here, don’t hesitate to provide your comments. If you have something that you would like to donate, post, or share; please submit the same to: 

Currently there is a page limitation of 500 pages per publication. If the item you want posted is larger, please divide it into 500 page sections or just send to:

For proper handling, mention “Library” in the subject of your email or use the convenient form near the bottom of this page.

Please make sure you have the rights to post the material for public viewing.  We will do our best to monitor the material posted, however the material may reflect a range of views in Christendom. It is our hope that when some views differ; there will be understanding and if possible, mature discussion can ensue that is edifying to the brethren concerned. Religious materials that don’t reflect our views, such as material related to world religions may be found here; in order to enhance research capabilities of the library in addition to giving you the tools you need to understand the world around us.

In the papers (theological/religious) section, you can post your research papers for circulation for the good of the body. As you may know, our site has a wide viewing in the region and even internationally. Therefore the library can not only serve as place to edify the body of Christ today beyond the pulpits, lecterns, ’sermons on the mount’, and desert encounters; but also serve as an archive of works for future generations, with wide publication and exposure for maximum impact.

In the books (e-Books) sections, you will find our Prayer Breakfast Reader, “The History, Status, and Future of English Churches in Daegu”, and the larger book – “The History, Status, and Future of English Churches in Korea” upon completion. Most related churches in Daegu City have been invited to provide a paper about their local community, church, service, or mission organization for these emerging publications. We are currently in the process of extending that invitation to our brethren throughout the republic in order to help in the manuscript for the larger publication. If you have not received and invitation, we certainly apologize for the oversight. However, please accept this as a heart-felt invitation to participate in these emerging publications. You can download the guidance below, or request further information through the convenient form or even email us. The guidance can also be found in the ‘Papers Section’ in our library.

If you have a special sermon that you want to share with the brethren, you can do so now or at anytime. The document will be stored in the soon to open ‘Sermons Section’.

In His Service,


Daegu English Churches

DEC Publication Guidance           Resources                      Library





Daegu English Churches News – International Update – Africa



EGYPT: Native Missionaries Tell of  Present Threats to Safety

By Rae Burnett, Africa Director for Christian Aid Mission

    A presidential election runoff was held in Egypt on June16 and 17 between Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate and Ahmed Shafiq, the last prime minister under deposed leader Hosni Mubarak. Morsi’s win makes him the first[ ] elected as head of state in the Arab world.    Egyptian Raymond Ibrahim writes on his website that, “Egypt’s longtime banned Muslim Brotherhood-the parent organization of nearly every subsequent Islamist movement, including al-Qaeda-has just won the nation’s presidency, in the name of its candidate, Muhammad Morsi.”

Native missionary families are deeply disturbed and even fearful because of recent developments in Egypt. Christian Aid is not ever involved in politics, but political events and climates can profoundly affect the Lord’s work, so I am sending you this letter from one of the very few indigenous ministries in that country. Christian Aid has been supporting them for many years. The ministry name is not given for security. They are in serious danger at this time.

Prior to this, the ministry leader asked for our prayers that the Muslim Brotherhood would be defeated.

Dear Rae,

The worst has happened, and worse still, we do not believe the election was fair. We know that Christians were not allowed to vote in some areas. We also know there were at least 3,000,000 ballots pre-marked for Morsi. True or not, everyone believes it was influence from the US that caused him to be declared President.

Photo by Rae Burnett in Egypt

The other candidate, Shafiq, is a very loved and respected man. It had been announced that at 1 pm that the presidential guards went to his home to get him as the president. But at 2 pm they got orders to leave his home and return back. At 4 pm they announced Morsi the president. This is what we understand to have happened.

The brotherhood had announced that they would destroy the country if Morsi didn’t win, but they also said they will take revenge from all those who vote for Shafiq, especially the Christians as they are sure we did vote for Shafiq. Yesterday they began by killing two believers in el Sharqiya because of this.


Soon after Morsi won, Christians in upper Egypt were forcibly prevented from going to churches. Many [people]also began to speak to women in the streets that they had to wear [certain] clothing including the head covering. They act as if they got the country for their own. It is theirs now.

Many Christians here are terrified. Many of us had already lost friends and family members from [extremist] attacks before the election. Liberal [people] are also afraid. They also do not want the country to be turned from a civil one to a religious one like Iran.

You asked me to about our needs, so I will tell you the most pressing is for living and ministry expenses for us and our missionaries. Financial matters in the country are getting worse day after day, and prices get higher and higher every day since the so-called Arab Spring revolution.

We are hoping to hold our annual training conference in September. Pray for its safety, needs, arrangements, and that the attendee and will be blessed.

Also the laptop that I use in ministry has been damaged, and I am praying for a new one ($1500).[maybe someone can send a used laptop or there are some available at the 400.00]

We don’t know what we shall do but to God we turn our eyes.

Please pray for our safety and for our ministry to continue in these hard situations to be light for the nation.

Blessings and thanks,

Native Egyptian Ministry Leader  

To give via credit card to help this Egyptian missionary ministry call 800-977-5650 or click here to contribute online.

Please pray for this ministry and our fellow believers in Egypt. Contact me at if you have any questions or comments about this indigenous missionary ministry.


Blessings in Him,



Related Stories

Edited and reprinted email Daegu English Churches mission news – international


Daegu English Churches About DEC Banner

You have linked to an active directory of English Churches, English Worship Services or Daegu English Churches and related organizations located in Daegu, South Korea.

You have linked to a virtual community established to support the body of Christ, particularly Daegu English Churches in fulfilling the will of God in order to realize their mission and the world to realize truth. 

Daegu English Churches is a term being applied to  a spiritual movement, the developing relationships, and cooperation in ministry among English churches, services, ministries, and related mission groups and organizations in the Daegu vicinity.  The same is an emerging portion of a vision inspired by the Lord’s prayer in the book of John Chapter 17: 

 1These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:

 2As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him.

 3And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

 4I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

 5And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

 6I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me; and they have kept thy word.

 7Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee.

 8For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.

 9I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

 10And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them.

 11And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.

 12While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

 13And now come I to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.

 14I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

 15I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

 16They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

 17Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

 18As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

 19And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.

 20Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;

 21That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.

 22And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

 23I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

 24Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.

 25O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me.

 26And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I in them.

It is by the realization and the unction of the spirit a certain work of an evangelist (εὐαγγελιστής/euaggelistes) of God, and pastor sent to this region to be an example unto believers; began a work founded in love. The evangelist ministered amongst various churches in Korea, but specifically in Daegu. While fulfilling the mandate of a calling (perfecting of the saints, the work of ministry, and the edifying of the body), spread the cement of brotherly love through service; while provoking to  love, building trust and support among brethren. 

This site is a virtual church community tool donated to the brethren to help facilitate the administration supporting the efforts of the local body (church) to live according to the desires of the head of the church (Christ). Therefore it is a tool to help ministries working together in the Lord’s work; fostering the exchanges, promoting awareness, accentuating the commonalities in visible and heart-felt kingdom ministry in the region. 

Understanding the Lord, Jesus Christ our Savior prayed to God the Father in the midst of an ensuing crucifixion, that we (us) be one (ei|ß). The oneness is not according to simple ideas of superficial unity, but a oneness where one will lay down their life for another or even living in humility for  God’s righteousness, God’s truths, and God’s plan and purposes. These purposes seem to be too often for the benefit of another. We are all created in His image, possessing diverse spiritual gifts coming from the same spirit for the work and the profit of all. 

If we follow the Holy Spirit, we would be in Christ and the Father He desires and cited in scripture; for His purposes of reconciling the lost to Himself. The preaching and teaching of the gospel and our witness is part of God’s plan. There are many things that can distract us from the essence of our salvation which came because of the love of God manifested in His Son Jesus on the cross (the greatest love).  Depending on which version of the bible you read, you would find love in its various forms over 200 hundred times, and being mentioned 90% percent of the time as the word God is used. We know love to be the greatest of the commandments in the Law; first loving God and second is liken unto the first. However we were given a new commandment; that we should love each other as Christ has loved us. This is the clear standard that there be no ambiguity and no comfort in our own ideas of love; if not rooted in God’s love. There is faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these three is love. 

Therefore looking through the eyes of love we can see the church, our work and each other in a manner that is Christ-like.  Let us make every effort to keep the spirit of unity in the bond of peace. Let us realize the idealness of the early church depicted in the book of Acts (2-5). Being on one accord, having singleness of mind, one heart, having all things in common, continuing in the doctrine of the apostles and praises God and having favor with men. Let us be the light of the world, the salt of the earth, the city on a hill; whose light can’t be hid.

The site not only contains a directory of English churches, services, mission organizations, and ministries. There are tools that may be useful to the body. The Deagu English Churches site proposes not a particular format, a methodology, a way, or even a name for this virtual and spiritual community; but that is left to the consensus of those who administer and use the site collectively. Therefore, the site is entitled only as it is or as what was begun. This version of the site is an upgrade from the site established in April 2011.




Daegu English Churches News – International Update – Africa


Update Nigeria: Native Missionaries Rescued; Another Mission Base Under Attack

By Rae Burnett, Africa Director for Christian Aid Mission

Just as word came that native missionaries under siege last week had escaped from [extremist] terrorist murderers, gospel workers from another mission field called in to report that they are now under attack:

Dear Rae,

Click here to help enable a Nigerian missionary ministry to move out of danger.

                Just as I am writing this evening, a whole village in southern Kaduna is fighting. We have five missionaries there now whose work among local unreached [local] tribes has been very successful. They are helping to comfort and shelter unprepared villagers who fled in terror as heavily armed [local] militants invaded without warning. No police or soldiers have come, and it is doubtful they will.

Please pray that our base there is not destroyed tonight. Pray that our missionaries will be safe. We have no money again to temporally move staff. Christian Aid sent out a prayer alert for our workers who were trapped after more than 400 people were killed last week near this same area when [extremist] bombed three churches. Thank God they finally escaped from the danger zone.


    The [religious] terrorist group Boko Haram has demanded that Sharia law be established in Nigeria. Fanatics have murdered more than 3,000 men, women and children since mid-2009. [Thousands] more have been maimed and wounded. Attacks have become increasingly bold and more frequent, often two or three per week. Until recently, the primary targets were schools and police stations in [extremist’s] areas, but now Christians are under siege.    The location of an indigenous missionary ministry in Nigeria that Christian Aid has supported since 1986 is well-known to all. In spite of its location in an Islamic state, it has never been in danger of violence until the past few months when aggressive terrorist attacks have become bolder. With this new threat to focus on Christians, the need to relocate ministry headquarters has become critical.

They are planning to return soon when things are calmer. To me they are now like refugees in our own hands. We need your prayers for eight households, most of whom have children, their converts, and for our Nigeria It was not easy financially to bring these ones out. Now we need places to house and feed them.

When the killing began in the main city, [extremist] in the small town started intimidating our people. They told them to leave or be blamed for the killing because we are making their people Christians. The village chief has welcomed and accepted our people, but he was afraid of the militants, so we temporarily retreated the missionaries. Many people died near them, and they admit that they were afraid.

There is still much good news.  All our [local]converts on whose account we are being asked to leave are secure and protected now in our discipleship center. The chief wants us back when he knows it is safe.

The work has been so successful, beyond what we could ever have imagined, but that has given us such huge challenges.

The discipleship center for [local] converts needs mosquito nets, school supplies for the children, and medical supplies. We are caring for many wounded in this war. We are committed to reaching the militants, and some few have left and joined us. We are discipling and protecting them in secret.

I am very sorry to keep disturbing you with crisis after crisis. It is that we value your prayers so much, and you always ask me to update you.

I know you will keep sharing this passion with others.  We are so grateful for the many years of loving prayer and financial support from Christian Aid.  We are just reeling with unbelief at the horrors our country is experiencing at the hands of these terrorist murderers.  We know our Lord will use it all for good. 

Pray for the peace of these areas and our country.

Signed, missionary leader, Nigeria  

All of these native missionaries are [well-known] to me. I am praying that God’s people will be moved to help this ministry generously in this time of desperate need.

To give via credit card to enable this Nigerian missionary ministry to move out of the danger zone call 800-977-5650 or click here to contribute online.

Please contact me at if you have any questions or comments about this indigenous missionary ministry.

Blessings in Him, 


Related StoriesURGENT: Native Nigerian Missionaries and Converts Trapped and Under Siege From Terrorists (June 19, 2012)
Native Missionary Ministry in Danger Zone as Nigeria’s Boko Haram Calls for “WAR” on Christians (March. 06, 2012)
Nigeria: Father Murdered by Boko Haram Terrorists, Christian Boy Escapes Enslavement, Needs Our Help (Jan. 26, 2012)
Nigeria Terrorism Update: Bloodiest Boko Haram Attacks Yet (Jan. 25, 2012)
Nigeria: Believers Gunned Down “while their eyes were closed in prayer” (Jan. 18, 2012)
Christians Slaughtered in Murderous Attack (Nov. 23, 2011)
More Violence in Nigeria: Fulani Muslims Slaughter Hundreds, Mostly Women and Children (Mar. 9, 2010)
Latest Update on the Violence in Jos, Nigeria (Feb. 4, 2010)
A Cry For Help From Our Brothers In Jos, Nigeria (Jan. 29, 2010)
Bloodshed in Nigeria! (Jan. 26, 2010)
Terrorism and fierce windstorm affect Christians in Nigeria (Sep. 10, 2009)
Nigerian Christians murdered, left homeless by organized attack (Dec. 10, 2008)

Edited and Reprinted from Email News to Daegu English Churches

HOT-Native Nigerian Missionaries and Converts Trapped


By Rae Burnett, Africa Director for Christian Aid Mission

The whole world watches as Boko Haram increasingly terrorizes Nigeria with the stated purpose of establishing Sharia Law. They are well-funded and heavily armed with sophisticated weapons and bombs. No one doubts that they have outside support. It is obvious that federal, state and local governments will look the other way as they follow their path of murder and destruction of property.

Up until now, missionaries of the indigenous Nigerian ministries supported by Christian Aid have not been directly targeted by Boko Haram though several supporters have been murdered, and random terrorist shootings have come close. These missionaries have not involved themselves at all in politics, only the gospel, and have kept a low profile until now.

Today, I received this report directly from a ministry leader who has been my friend since 1996. The ministry name is not mentioned for security.

Terrorists have struck again. This time we had to evacuate our missionaries from Kandawa fields as Muslim militants discovered the work and threatened them. Right now we need your prayers as Chris (the overseer of all ministry work in the northern Islamic area) is still trapped in the fields with several missionaries, some with infants.

On Sunday, three churches were bombed in Kaduna and Zaria killing several people. This led to reprisals and killings all over the place.  Yet the government is doing nothing.

More than 65 people are already confirmed dead. A 24 hour curfew has been declared, and we do not know how to reach the converts in the war zone.

Before today, Boko Haram had not done so much damage to us in this part of the country. We are appealing for funds to buy mattresses, blankets, mosquito nets and food for our converts that are about to move out.

This is urgent. We have dispatched three other staff, but there is no access to the area. Fighting and fighting. Please we need your prayers for Nigeria. I am writing this in the midnight asking for all our friends to pray and help. You can also send support to them. Our staff for the first time are affected in this kind of killing. Help and ask believers to pray and support. We need your support and we need your prayers.

The converts too need prayers. We do hope you will pray for Nigeria now.

We need to relocate quickly. I am currently in Abuja (the capital city) and will go to Kebbi state to rescue our staff as soon as possible, but no going in or out of the area for now. We want to be ready immediately when they can escape with their converts.

We are so grateful for the property Christian Aid enabled us to buy, but we must have resources to build our simple headquarters and a place to help these victims of terrorism.

Thanks for your prayers for Nigeria and others around us.

Over the past few years, this indigenous Nigerian ministry has experienced tremendous open doors for the gospel in Islamic strongholds that have never before been evangelized. Because of the violence of Boko Haram, the ministry must move its headquarters from an Islamic state where they have been in peace for more than 25 years, to a centralized and neutral place better suited to direct the work.

Christian Aid has provided the land, but $35,000 is needed to provide a simple headquarters building where the leader and staff would also live. I cannot stress enough the importance and urgency of the need for the ministry. After so many years, the work is well-known and could be targeted at any time. Please pray for these heroes of the faith as they continue to press forward with the gospel in this time of extraordinary danger.

To give via credit card to enable this Nigerian missionary ministry to move out of the danger zone call 800-977-5650 or click here to contribute online.

Please contact or call 800-977-5650 with any questions or comments about the work of God in Africa.


Blessings in Him,




Click on the above help button to help enable a Nigerian missionary ministry to move out of danger.

Nigeria is Africa’s most populated nation and by far its most influential, politically, economically, and spiritually. Nigerian Christians have exerted a dominant and profound influence in missions throughout the continent and established the first indigenous training schools for native African missionaries. Pray with our brothers and sisters that this vicious onslaught will not push the country into national sharia law and Islamic dominance, destroying the precarious 50/50 balance between Christian and Muslim which has before been peaceful.

Reprinted from Christian Aid Email June 21, 2012 :

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